My son Mario and me have been
working on "The Ultimate Grill" since spring 2000 when we got that concrete pipe. See what we've done so far.
You can enlarge the images by clicking on them.
Phase 1: Started in spring 2001 after one year of thinking :-)
The Ultimate Grill (Phase 1) in our garden.
Where to put the meat on :-)
Here's where to make the fire. You can adjust the distance between the rost and the fire ...
... by operating this lever.
Inside the height is variated by an old jack :-)
The is the jack in opposite view.
Can you feel the heat ?
Time for the first run !
Looks rather good, doesn't it ?
Phase 2: The Ultimate Grill isn't finished yet ... there's still a lot to do !
In Phase 2 the roof has been built.
Now you can grill even when it's raining :-) ...
That's really a nice view of our garden, isn't it ?
The rost was missing in the upper images. Now Phase 2 is complete ! :-)
3: Now it's time for working on details ...
We added some kind of wind-protection to
the grill.
Also we thought the grill needs some
holders for the grill-tools.
Ready to fire Phase 3 !!!
Advertisment on the roof of the grill
Where's the fire-guard ?
Are you hungry ?
Give the meat a hot shot from the other
side ;-) ... it's good to have the grill-tools handy.
This one is important to save your
lungs ...
... you don't have to blow air into the
fire by mouth. Of course an OE9FKI product ;-) ...