Moonbounce - 6cm

First European 6cm EME-QSO was made between OE9PMJ and OE9FKI on 1994-09-19 at 20:53, using 3.82m dish / 30 W RF at site OE9FKI and 9.0m dish / 50 W at site OE9PMJ. 

Another event was held later on with a new equipment, the following pictures were taken during that activity. Click on the images to enlarge them.


Click to enlarge ! The dish for 6cm Moonbounce activity

Technical data:

  • d = 3.0m (9.8ft)
Click to enlarge ! The same dish in "maintenance position" :-) ...
Click to enlarge ! The feed included the whole 6cm Moonbounce transverter for 144 MHz, a two-stage preamp, the transistorized 30 W GaAs-FET PA and the dual mode horn.
Click to enlarge ! This is the feed taken with opposite camera position.
